Source code for pyagar.control


Some very simple bots.

# pylint: disable=I0011,C0103
from collections import namedtuple
import asyncio

from pyagar.log import logger
from pyagar.messages import Status, PlayerCell, ScreenAndCamera

Movement = namedtuple('Movement', ['x', 'y'])

[docs]class Controller: """ All bots should inherit from this class. """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.messages = asyncio.Queue() self.cells = {} self.player_id = None self.alive = False self.screen = None
[docs] def get_name(self): """Returns the name of this bot.""" if not hasattr(self, 'name'): return self.__class__.__name__ else: return getattr(self, 'name')
[docs] def get_movement(self): """The method that subclasses must implement.""" raise NotImplementedError()
@property def predators(self): """Cells that can eat me.""" p = self.player if p: return [c for c in self.opponents if c.size > p.size * 1.1] else: return [] @property def edible(self): """You can eat cells 10% smaller than you.""" p = self.player if p: return [c for c in self.opponents if c.size * 1.1 < p.size] else: return [] @property def player(self): """Returns the player main cell. None if not exists.""" return self.cells.get(self.player_id) @property def viruses(self): """Returns a list of visible viruses.""" return [c for c in self.cells.values() if c.is_virus] @property def opponents(self): """Return list of other cells.""" return [c for c in self.cells.values() if != self.player_id and not c.is_virus] @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def do_move(self): """Make a movement.""" m = self.get_movement() if m is not None: yield from self.client.move(m.x, m.y)
[docs] def run(self): """The main loop of the bot.""""Running bot '%s'", self.get_name()) while True: data = yield from self.messages.get() if isinstance(data, Status): for cell in data.cells: self.cells[] = cell for cell in data.dissapears: if in self.cells: del self.cells[] for eats in if eats.eatee == self.player_id: self.alive = False if eats.eatee in self.cells: del self.cells[eats.eatee] elif isinstance(data, PlayerCell): self.player_id = self.alive = True elif isinstance(data, ScreenAndCamera): self.screen = data.screen else: pass if not self.alive: yield from self.client.spawn() yield from self.do_move()
[docs]class Closer(Controller): """Go to the closer "non-virus" cell, no matter the type.""" def get_movement(self): p = self.player o = self.opponents if p and o: closer = min(o, key=lambda c: abs(c.x-p.x)+abs(c.y-p.y)) return Movement(closer.x, closer.y) else: return None
[docs]class Greedy(Controller): """Only wants to eat.""" def get_movement(self): o = self.edible p = self.player if o and p: closer = min(o, key=lambda c: abs(c.x-p.x)+abs(c.y-p.y)) return Movement(closer.x, closer.y) else: return None
[docs]class Escape(Controller): """Escape from bigger opponents.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def escape_vector(player, cell): """Movement to escape from a cell.""" ox = (cell.x - player.x) oy = (cell.y - player.y) return Movement(player.x - ox, player.y - oy)
[docs] def compound_escape_vector(self, vectors, cells): """Returns the sum of all ``vectors``.""" p = self.player xs = [c.x - p.x for c in vectors] ys = [c.y - p.y for c in vectors] vs = [(x, y, c.size) for x, y, c in zip(xs, ys, cells)] x = sum(s / 2 * x for x, _, s in vs if x != 0) * 300 y = sum(s / 2 * y for _, y, s in vs if y != 0) * 300 return Movement(x=p.x + x, y=p.y + y)
def get_movement(self): p = self.player o = self.predators if p and o: vectors = [self.escape_vector(p, c) for c in o] return self.compound_escape_vector(vectors, o) elif p: return Movement(x=p.x, y=p.y)
[docs]class Center(Controller): """Go to the center.""" def get_movement(self): if self.player and self.screen: return Movement(x=self.screen.x2 / 2, y=self.screen.y2 / 2)
[docs]class EatWhenNoPredators(Escape, Greedy, Center, Controller): """Only eats when all visible cells are smaller then itself.""" escape = Escape.get_movement eat = Greedy.get_movement nothing_to_do = Center.get_movement def get_movement(self): p = self.player if p: if not self.predators: if self.edible: return else: return self.nothing_to_do() else: return self.escape() else: return None